Conducting stay interviews is an effective tool for keeping your workforce engaged, satisfied, and striving. By asking the right questions during an interview, you can gain insights not just into what makes your top talent tick, but also what you can be doing to ensure that your company is in a position to keep attracting quality employees

5 Questions to Ask in a Stay Interview

What They Look Forward To About Coming to Work

Understanding what employees look forward to when coming to work can reveal powerful insights into their motivations and job satisfaction. This question invites them to reflect on positive aspects of their role, fostering a sense of appreciation for their contributions.

What They Do Best at Their Job

Asking an employee what they do best allows you to understand their strengths and how they perceive their own contributions. This question encourages self-reflection. Employees often feel more engaged when they recognize their unique skills, leading to increased motivation. When individuals articulate what they’re good at, it reinforces a sense of purpose in their role.

If They’re Satisfied With Growth Opportunities

Asking employees about growth opportunities during a stay interview opens the door to meaningful conversations. It shows that you value their aspirations and are invested in their future. When team members share their career goals, they feel heard and appreciated. This engagement fosters loyalty, making them less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.

If They Feel Sufficiently Recognized

Recognition plays a pivotal role in employee satisfaction. During a stay interview, asking about recognition helps you understand how valued an employee feels. When employees know their efforts are appreciated, they’re more likely to remain engaged and committed. It fuels motivation and enhances job performance. By discussing recognition, you identify what actions resonate with them the most.

Whether They’re Receiving Useful Feedback 

When conducting a stay interview, asking about the feedback they receive can open up valuable conversations. It’s important to understand how employees perceive the feedback they receive from managers and peers. This question provides insight into an employee’s experience within the organization. Positive feedback reinforces their strengths and motivates them to continue performing well. Meanwhile, discussing negative feedback reveals areas for improvement and growth opportunities.

Engage Your Workforce With Right Management Florida/Caribbean

Keeping your workforce engaged and invested is an ongoing process, and it’s one with which Right Management Florida/Caribbean can help. We’re a global leader in workforce engagement, and we offer solutions that can help you maximize your employees’ skills and create a leadership pipeline that ensures the success of your business. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.