As the HR Leader of my company, our work force is made up not just of virtual geographically-dispersed workers, but also multi-generational. What tips or training would you recommend to help us communicate better as a cohesive team?
A tip I learned years ago about conducting effective virtual meetings is to start with a "check in". Before you dive into the meat of your agenda, ask everyone how they are today. Ask them to answer with "Red", "Yellow" or "Green".
Red means they are mentally feeling pulled in many directions, and are working to reign in thoughts and be present now.
Yellow means they are mostly present but have a few concerns that are weighing on them and fighting for mental real estate.
Green means they are fully present in that moment.
The exercise acknowledges the human at the heart of all of us. Humans are who show up at work each day, and humans are complicated. Just by acknowledging where each participant finds themselves in that moment, you can lead your organization in a practice of mindfulness, which has multiple benefits. In addition, you've encouraged an open, real conversation with your team, which leads to trust and therefore greater work production. I encourage you to try out this exercise at your next meeting. Feel free to reach out for clarification or assistance implementing.
Workplace communications is at the forefront due to the virtual boundaries / requirements.
- We recommend conducting regular Town Halls reinforcing expectations and outline objectives.
- We also suggest creating virtual teams to work on special projects together insuring that there is a cross section of genders, ages, ethnic groups represented.